Which Jessie character are you?

There are many Jessie fans out there who like being her but some don't. The show is amazing and fun to watch and plz take this quiz cuz it's fun and cool.

Are YOU one of the Ross's, Bertram or Jessie?? You hope you're the one you want to be??? You wanna have a little fun? Take this quiz & you'll find out.

Created by: Mrs.Styles
  1. Do you care about new clothes and getting high heels in season?
  2. Are you adopted?
  3. Are you adorable & people love you?
  4. Are you from Texas?
  5. Do you like being around kids? Are you lazy and hate cleaning?
  6. Do you have a 7-foot lizard?
  7. Please rate,comment and like!!!
  8. Who's your favorite JESSIE character?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. Would you date Jessie?

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Quiz topic: Which Jessie character am I?