Which Howrse BM item are you?

Howrse.com is a site I have joined only recently, in which one takes care of horses, and breeds them. There are in this game, mystical items known as 'BM items'. These enable to boost your horse in strength and will, and customize it. BM items (to me at least) have always been perhaps even the MAIN essence of Howrse, and so in this quiz you can find out which one best suits you!

I was inspired to create this quiz about Howrse BM items, when I saw and eagerly took another few quizzes previously created by other members, also about Howrse! I thought, hey, none of these Howrse quizzes are about BM items! Why don't I make one about them! And so here you are, reading this (and hopefully about to take the quiz I have prepared)!

Created by: Ingrid
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do when you find a friend in trouble?
  2. You are assigned a major school project, and are given the option to work alone or in a group... what do you do?
  3. The major (high)school prom is coming up this weekend, and its probably going to be one of the biggest nights in your life! Do you know what you're wearing? What is/will it be?
  4. Which best describes you?
  5. Where is the first place you head once you've entered a multi-purpose mall?
  6. (previous questions were self-analysis, next ones are about Howrse.com) On Howrse, what do you think forms the best account?
  7. On Howrse, do you think we should be able to create an avatar and customize the looks, and buy new cool horse riding crops, whips, shoes, helmets, etc?
  8. How much time do you spend on Howrse each week (appr.)
  9. If you are a true Howrse.com fan... then you should know: When was Howrse created, and first released for play?
  10. RANDOM MATH QUESTION! I am thinking of a number. I start with 0, and add 70. I then subtract 85, add 167, divide by five, and then finally times by 13. What number am I thinking of?

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Quiz topic: Which Howrse BM item am I?