which harry potter character are you (boys)

hello who do you think you are????

wanna be harry, ron, draco or dumblebdour?!?!?!

Created by: christina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. fav colour (haha sorry)
  2. family or friends??
  3. which one do you want to be?
  4. who's hotter? ( this does count btw)
  5. which animal
  6. which book/ film is the best
  7. which house would you choose?
  8. let fate choose!
  9. comment???? pleasssssseeeeeeeee
  10. like ma quiz?!

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Quiz topic: Which harry potter character am I (boys) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.