Which Greek God Or Goddess Are You?

There are 7 different Gods or Goddesss you could be but you can only have 6 answers so some answers represent two gods or goddesses that are alike and by the way did you know that you don't even have to write these paragraphs you can just hold space bar and it thinks you've written stuff. Like that why there isnt a paragraph two i just used space bar.

Created by: Bex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the colour that reperesents you the most?
  2. What food represents you the most?
  3. Describe your self in three words? (and)counts as a word)
  4. Whats your fashion style? (if you we're a god or goddess)
  5. What hairstyle would you have?
  6. Choose a letter?
  7. What kind of pattern represents you?
  8. You ask your best friend round but she says that she is going to your enemys house for a sleep over, you:
  9. If you had to write a story what wold it be a bout?
  10. What kind of music do you listen to?
  11. Choose an animal?
  12. How do you dance?
  13. Choose a flower?
  14. You see the perfect pair of shoes in the sale but........they don't have your size
  15. Count to one hundred?
  16. Was that question stupid
  17. Who do you want to be?
  18. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Greek God Or Goddess am I?