Which Fnaf Character Are You?

I hope you like what you get and subscribe to my channel Ignited Diamond on youtube. If you do not I would be sad and I would never do a noth quiz again.

Well please comment on my quiz please I need subscribers well that did not make sense well who cares I want subscrbers please plz

Created by: Ignited Diamond
  1. What is your favorite FNaF character out of all of them who could it be?
  2. Do you know the pals?
  3. Would you rather sleep with one eye open or not sleep at all or Die.
  4. Which FNaF starts first? In history?
  5. Which FNaF did the bite of 83 happen?
  6. Who is spring trap?
  7. Who is not from FNaF 2?
  8. Shadow freddy do you know who this is.
  9. Who caused bite of 87?
  10. Last question who kills the children.

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