Which breed of animal are you ?

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Many people guess at what animal they could be, well here is where you may find which you really are. Are you lose to what you thought you were, or far off?

Are you what animal you thought you were? Are you hunted or the hunter? Are you a night or day? Are you a small or larger animal? Are you a rare animal? Find out with this quiz.

Created by: STARR
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you prefer silence over chaos?
  2. Prefer grass or meat.
  3. Live or dead for a snack.
  4. Which do you prefer Flying, swimming, running ( no effect on result )
  5. Which would you rather be ? ( no effect on result )
  6. Would you like to hunt at night or day?
  7. Would you like to be hunted or not hunted?
  8. Cave or nest
  9. Rate this quiz.. ( No effect on result)
  10. Which do you think you will be ? ( no effect on result)

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Quiz topic: Which breed of animal am I ?