Which Amnesia(Anime) guy do you love?

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One of my first quizzes, and I doubt I'm good at them but I wanted to try make again and I decided to make one because I see there are no amnesia quizzes and if there are leave a comment please!

But otherwise this is the quiz I hope you enjoy it, sorry it is short but I couldn't think of more questions. You can get Ukyo, Toma, Kent, Ikki and Shin.

Created by: Emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What card suit/card do you like the most?
  2. Colour you like the most?
  3. What do you prefer doing?
  4. Do you smile a lot?
  5. Colours you like together the most
  6. Pick an age
  7. On a date what would you want to do?
  8. Random word time! Pick a random word:
  9. What do you think about glasses(spectacles)?
  10. What school clubs do you do?
  11. Who do you want? (If don't know, enie mienie miney mo, works!(Excuse spelling))

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Quiz topic: Which Amnesia(Anime) guy do I love?