whatt charactor are you from the stories i wrote

hello people i wrote a few stories and i wanted to see what people would be if they were part of it so i made this quiz and i am quite sure its accurate

in my stories there are many unique charactors which one are you are you the - oh never mind i shouldnt give it away youll have to take this quiz to find out about the charactors

Created by: grace of hotmail.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color is your hair
  2. are you in love please be honest
  3. are you known for beauty
  4. can you have any guy/girl you want
  5. do you have a nickname
  6. were of these places would you live Ireland, a land that never had a name or the mountains
  7. if i put my stories up online would you read them
  8. did i tell you to take this quiz
  9. if you are in love answer truthfully does your family approve of the person you like
  10. why did you take this quiz
  11. are you proud of who you are?(no effect)

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Quiz topic: Whatt charactor am I from the stories i wrote