What type of person are you

This test Lets you know what type of person you are. Are you pretty, smart, funny, insecure or very confident in your self and everything you do? Take this and find out!!

Lets find out what your true colors really are!! The whole truth is just a few minutes away!! Do you like shopping, studying, clothes or jokes? If so take this test

Created by: Leina56
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you always making smart comments
  2. Does everyone call you pretty but you don't seem to think so
  3. Do you think your better than everyone else
  4. Do you care about your work
  5. Are you always studying
  6. Are you always wondering about what to wear but don't like the way it looks on you
  7. Do you make jokes about everything
  8. Do you love food
  9. Pick one
  10. Where do you shop

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I