What sportman are you ?

What sportman are you ? This quizz tell you what sportman you are. Have fun ! ^^

Are you Rafael Nadal, Alain Bernard, Tony Parker or Teddy Riner. Have you enough prestige to be one of them ?

Created by: EP
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you left-handed or right-handed ?
  2. Are you determinated in the life ?
  3. Are you a big competitor?
  4. Be you a boaster or a modest person ?
  5. Are you a hard-working ?
  6. Are you popular or little known ?
  7. Do you like playind collective or solo ?
  8. Of what nationality are you ?
  9. What is your favourite color ?
  10. What is your favorite animal ?

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Quiz topic: What sportman am I ?