what sport are you best at

So people are sporty some are not. what sport best describes you? Sports can reflect on the person you are. some you might not want to be but find out here.

Are you sporty? Yes? No? If yes what one? If no why? take this quiz and find out who you are results may very depending on the person.Are you like me and a cheerleader or not

Created by: mac

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what place would you go on spring break
  2. do you like indoor or outdoor
  3. do you like shorts skirts or pants
  4. what color are you
  5. do you like energy drink...what one
  6. do you like sports
  7. draw a start :)
  8. why did you take this quiz
  9. do you like this quiz (no effect)
  10. what # would you pick if you had to

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Quiz topic: What sport am I best at