What soda are you?

This quiz will make no sense, you can try to make sense of it, but it will only confuse you more. Your soda type is not my fault, if your bad your bad, feel like finding out?

Can you manage to be Coke, or are you lower on the soda food chain? Or do you even make onto the list.......... Are you brave enough to face the truth?

Created by: Brie
  1. What group do you prefer to hang out with?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one object, what would it be?
  4. You're still stuck on the island (cause you obviously chose the last answer wrong) and you find a magic genie lamp. You have three wishes, what's your first?
  5. Now for your second wish....
  6. Now for your third and final wish....
  7. I let you go home, what do you do first?
  8. You're walking around when you see someone drowning in a puddle, what do you do?
  9. Later on during your walk, you are hit by a car and put into emergency care. You have one word left, and depending on what you say, you live or die.... You say?
  10. Somehow you managed to hang on, and your bf/gf is demanding to know whether you love them... You?

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Quiz topic: What soda am I?