What Pokemon Are You?

What pokemon are you .You will find out soon.Are you charmander,breloom,or squrtle.A entirely novel point of view."you are smart if you take this quiz.

i love pokemon. you do to. i have to do this guys so dont blame me. are smart if you take this quiz. ilove pokemon you do to. are you kanto or johto...

Created by: Kiara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what pokemon did ash first catch?
  2. who has bug phobia?
  3. who flirts with woman?
  4. what is buizel's spec. attack
  5. Whats your favorite color?
  6. what movie do you like the best?
  7. who do you like the best?
  8. how old is my brother closest to?
  9. where do i live?
  10. choose a #.

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon am I?