What Pixar Movie are You?

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Are you a smart person because if you are take this quiz to see if you know Pixar as much as I do! Have a go, try your best to get 100%! good luck!!!

Are you a smart person because if you are take this quiz to see if you know Pixar as much as I do! You need so much brain power to overcome my quiz! Have fun!

Created by: Jake Kearns!!!
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you always a positive person?
  2. How do you Express Yourself?
  3. What type of movie are you into?
  4. Describe Yourself!
  5. What's your favourite hobby?
  6. What is your favourite Pixar short?
  7. Which character would you prefer?
  8. Which Movie would you prefer?
  9. Which Movie is the funniest?
  10. What would you rather go see at the Movies?
  11. Do you think Pixar makes any good movies?
  12. Have you been onto any of my other quizzes?
  13. What is the worst Pixar movie ever?

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Quiz topic: What Pixar Movie am I?