What money are you?

There are many types of money in the world but which one are you, take the qiz to find out, also dont forget to leave a comment. I realy like to read that way I can improve to make the quiz better for you the people

I do not know what to put here so abcd efg hij klmnop qrs tuv wx y and z jimmy cracked corn and I dont care I dont care I dont care jimmy cracked corn and I dont care take that you dumb corn

Created by: William

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is your favorite hobby?
  2. what is your favorite sport?
  3. are you popular?
  4. jimmy cracked corn, do you care?
  5. do you have siblings
  6. what is your fav. money
  7. fav. music
  8. fav. flavor
  9. even though I hate this question, do you like this quiz? doesnt affect score, please do leave a comment
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What money am I?