What kind of person are you?

There are lots of different kinds of people. But there are three main ones: Smart, cool, and nature lover. This quiz will tell you what kind of person I think you are.

But which are YOU? The smart one- always pays attention, gets mostly a's, neve gives up at school. Or are you cool, with lots of friends and a social life. Or still, the nature lover, obsessed with nature and few friends but he woodland creatures?

Created by: Brooke
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you consider yourself smart?
  2. Do you always have a comeback for insults?
  3. Do you enjoy adventure?
  4. Would you rather get in a fight with a knife, a sword, or other?
  5. Do you like the ocean?
  6. Do you have any love for big storms like hurricanes?
  7. Do you like pegasi?
  8. How do you feel about school and learning?
  9. Do you find yourself highly attached to everything natural?
  10. Do you hang out in forests to relax?
  11. How do you feel about unicorns?
  12. Do you rely on your friends a lot?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?