What Kind Of Gamer Are You?

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Have you ever wonder what kind of gamer are you after times you play your video games? Or do you just i don't know just sit there and do completely nothing??

Are you a pro gamer? Skilled gamer ? An okay one?Or a bad gamer.OR..A NOOBY ONE?!?!? After years of gaming,(If you actually waste your time on them just kidding XD)do you think you are a pro?Or a bad gamer?Take this quiz and you will found out in a few clicks!

Created by: PikachuT

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First off,when do you play video games?
  2. How much time each day?
  3. Pick a video game/online game you like/will like!
  4. Oh no!You see a hacker shooting and killing everyone and then repeatedly kill you (spawn kill) How do you react?
  5. What is/would be your strategy in a shooting game?
  6. How do you earn your gaming skills?
  7. Gaming Goal?
  8. You made it to the finals in your video game!How do you feel?
  9. You are on a killing spree!!You killed ten people without dying,in a row,and you are still going! How do you feel?
  10. What kind of gamer do you describe yourself? (BE HONEST!!)

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Gamer am I?