what kind of dog are you

here is a short fun little quiz for you and a friend to take for enjoy or just out of bordom what ever you want i hope that you enjoy it let me know what you think of the quiz

did you ever wonder what kind of dog you were or are you just bored what ever it is then here is a free quiz for you to take i hope you enjoy it have fun

Created by: Pitbulls4ever
  1. what size of dog do you like
  2. what is you favorite kind of food
  3. you see a friend walking down the street what would you do
  4. when it rains what do you like to do
  5. when you go to the park what do you do first
  6. what do you like to do in the winter time
  7. what do you like better
  8. what color do you like
  9. when it comes to sports what kind do you like
  10. what did you think of this quiz

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Quiz topic: What kind of dog am I