what is your warrior cat name'

do you have what it takes to be a warrior.....................................wait just kidding do you want a warrior name of course you do because you are amazing lol you probably will not like this quiz :c

then do this quiz and you are awesome just remember i do not rep lie cuz i don't have an account (and i maybe just deont WANT TO) yeah ok then

Created by: harley of warriorcats.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you medicine cat or warrior
  2. what colour are you
  3. are you awesome
  4. hey
  5. do you like ice-cream
  6. who is your have character
  7. who is your Fave enemy
  8. are you just here for the sake of it
  9. now answer truthfully are you boy ar girl
  10. what is your have colour
  11. and finally do you like me( or the quiz) no effect

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior cat name'