What horse sport are you/

I made this because I was really bored an I really need a life! I love horses and thought that this would be intresting! I hope you enjoyed it, I did!

urggg.................... I dont wan tto right this paragraph!...................................................................................................................

Created by: Jesica
  1. Your dad asked you if you wanted to go camping, your answer is?
  2. ou have a choice to go to:
  3. Your friend asked you if you want to go sky diving, what would you say?
  4. Whats your favorite breed of horse?
  5. Are you lazy?
  6. Whats your favoite quote?
  7. If you had 1 dollar what would you buy?
  8. What smiley is your favorite?
  9. Do you hate the 12 Question rule, I do!
  10. Last Question! Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What horse sport am I/