What horse breed and color are you?

Find out just what horse breed and horse color you are! You can also discover what your interests are as a horse. You can discover what you are best at, and if you would travel alone or with a herd if you were wild.

Some of the sports you will get include barrel racing, horse racing, show jumping, cross country, eventing, and other. I hope you enjoy this quiz, and like what breed, color, etc. you get!

Created by: Brittin
  1. You are...
  2. You are...
  3. You are...
  4. You prefer...
  5. You...
  6. If you could travel alone or travel with a herd, you would
  7. Your favorite horse breed is
  8. Your favorite horse color is
  9. Your favorite horse sport is
  10. How are you liking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What horse breed and color am I?