What horse are you?

What type of horse are you? Well lets find out! Are you a flashy Arabian? A sporty Thoroughbred? An easy going draft? A spirited and unbroken mustang?

What type of equine friend are you?? What type of horse are you? Well lets find out! Are you a flashy Arabian? A sporty Thoroughbred? An easy going draft? A spirited and unbroken mustang?

Created by: nutserty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you where getting ridden at a trot, and the rider kicked you to go faster you would...
  2. You where out in the field and you're rider comes out to get you..you...
  3. You would rather be ridden...
  4. You're rider is grooming you and hits a sore spot. you...
  5. You are asleep and you're rider wakes you up to go for an early trail ride you..
  6. You're rider is trying hard to win a jumping contest. They push you to go faster. You...
  7. You see you're rider riding another horse then the horse gets put in the field with you. You...
  8. You're rider tries to load you in the trailer to get to a show. You
  9. You're rider has to sell you, you go to a
  10. Did you like the test?

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Quiz topic: What horse am I?