What Greek god are you most like?

There are many, many, many, mmaannyy greek gods. Which one are you most like.Well, if you want to know try my quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

Are you lie Zeus? What about Harmonia? Bet you never heard of her! thought so! try my new "What greek god are you most like?" quiz and find out who you are!!!

Created by: rosie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok!So do you believe in demigods? Are they real or not? (Me: YESH!)
  2. What kinda movies do you like to watch? choose whicheva no wrong answers here pplz!!!!!
  3. Which element do you think you are most like?
  4. Of these gods which one do you hope to get?
  5. Where do you like to go the best?
  6. #Girls only!!! What would you say to your crush of he said "I love you"?
  7. # dudes only! What type of girl would you take to the prom?
  8. How many people do you love with?
  9. choose one.
  10. What is your favorite animal?
  11. FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: What Greek god am I most like?