What Furre Are You?

Furres is what you need to be. We say moar yiffin and no moar trollin. If you are clean then we say. More snuggles and hugs. If your a troll. Why are you bothering to look this quiz up... ? hrm?

Trolling is what we do not want. They are the nubs of the internet. Incase if you dont know what a troll is, a troll is someone who hates/makes fun of furres

Created by: angeliquca

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like best?
  2. What fur type do you have?
  3. Whats your favorite color?
  4. What type of furre are you?
  5. What tail type do you have?
  6. What ear type do you have?
  7. If you were to be a animal wich one would you be?
  8. Whats your personality
  9. What type of teeth do you have?
  10. What games do you play
  11. What are you?
  12. Do you know what a troll is?

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Quiz topic: What Furre am I?