what farm animal are you

there are many people that wonder what farm animal they might be if they turned int one but there are few that do not but that is ok if you are one of those people you can still take the quiz even if you do not wonder it is still a pretty good quiz so i think you should take it but that is my thing i am saying so just do this quiz

do ever wonder what farm animal you would be if you turned into one well if you take this quiz it will tell you what animal you are and what your personality is so take this quiz if you are wondering and if you do not get a animal you like dont just lie to get the animal you like or else that is not the animal you really are just take the quiz even thoe you do not like the animal just do it for fun then

Created by: shanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is you personallity
  2. what is your favorite animal
  4. what is your best subject
  5. what is your age
  6. what is your gnder
  7. do you like animals
  8. do you have a sister
  9. do you like playing
  10. do you like fruit

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Quiz topic: What farm animal am I