What famous teen male are you?

Thanks for choosing this test! My love of the newest celebrities inspirf me to create it!! I strongly hope you enjoy the test as much as i know you will!! Thanks!!!

This quiz is definately one to take! Have you ever wondered what male teenage celebrity you would be? Take this amazing test to FIND OUT! If you just finished the test, please leave a comment telling what your result was and how i could improve the test!

Created by: Matthew
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What colour hair do you have?
  2. What colour eyes do you have?
  3. Do you prefer singing or acting?
  4. Where do most of your clothes come from?
  5. Do you like nike air jordan?
  6. Do you have a girlfriend?
  7. What music do you sing
  8. You are offered to be on Dance Moms would you...
  9. Who is your idol
  10. Somebody wants you to have a job in a show, would you...
  11. How good was this test(doesnt affect score)

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Quiz topic: What famous teen male am I?