What DPC Member are you like?

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The DPC stands for DesapareceClan One of the most populare clans on horseland(NOT) This Clan is lead by Rebel And Vellaa the happy couple. Shadeh/Dessy is the deputy(i think) and they are the best of friends!

Do YOU want to know who you are? Out of the three most popular people on horseland? to be honest rebel sounds pretty cool but then theres the awesome dessy or then again the only male Vela Which one are you?

Created by: Lucy of Horseland Layouts
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these describes you best?
  2. Where would you rather live?
  3. What Animal Would You Be?
  4. Choose a Element
  5. Choose your hiding place(secret area)
  6. Choose your power
  7. What would you be doing in your spare time?
  8. Are you enjoying this
  9. Do you want this to end?
  10. Ok i will stop it now

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Quiz topic: What DPC Member am I like?