What Animal are you?

I made this quiz because I love animals! And most of all, I've always wanted to make my own quiz! Please tell me in comments if you liked my quiz because it's my first quiz so please no bad comments! Thank you so much for playing! :)

Please play this quiz! Because I really took a long time and worked hard on it. So please dont post mean or bad comments about me or my quiz! Thank you!

Created by: alyssa
  1. What's the first thing that pops in your head when you see an animal that can hurt you?
  2. What meal do you prefer best out of these?
  3. What you do in your spare time?
  4. Which video game is best?
  5. Do watch sports?
  6. Out of these, which movie is best?
  7. What grade are you in?
  8. Would you cry after watching "The Last Song"?
  9. How do you describe yourself...
  10. Last question! Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I?