what animal are you

there are many stupid people in the world the stupid one is you but great you are dine i hate this test i hate writting they are makeing me write to much so do no creat a test it is boruding to make man jdg fdsg fgf sdfsd fhsdgfhsgf shgfshgfhsgfeur g ferve jkfe

there are many stupid people in the world the stupid one is you but great you are dine i hate this test i hate writting they are makeing me write to much so do no creat a test it is boruding to make man but it is a true story man i hate this

Created by: trevor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you like to do
  2. do you like to climb
  3. do you like to swim
  4. do you run around
  5. what do you eat
  6. are you afred to cross the steet
  7. close you eyes and count to 10 did you do it
  8. are you stupid
  9. are you ready to see what animal you are
  10. this is the last big Q how fast can you run
  11. did i trick you

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Quiz topic: What animal am I