Warrior Cats Love Story Part 2

Your warrior cat love story is here! It might suck, sorry I'm lasy xD Whatever, this is part 2! Written by Me!!!! :P well, to be honest, I'm stalling cause I'm lasy xD

Who do you like, Brackenpaw, Snowpaw, or nobody? This quiz will tell your crushes, enjoy this quiz! It took lots of work so like it. Just kidding, you don't have to!

Created by: Morninglight
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. We ended where you were taken to a bush where you saw a gray shape holding you down and you realized it was Rosepaw! She told you to be quiet and you said yes. You heard meows of your friends about like, where were you? What happened? Where's Morningkit?
  2. Rosepaw growls from the bush saying.. "I have her, and I will kill her if you don't give me all your prey! Hehehehhehehehehehehehheheheheh!" And they say, let her go! And Snowkit leaps at her, swipes at her nose, and she drops you and Snowkit drags you out quickly, but gently. You say:
  3. Time skips by and you are an apprentice but Brackenkit is going to become a medicine cat. Your sad but Snowkit is going to train with you! You think:
  4. You and Snowpaw are hunting together but then you hear a deep growl from the bushes. A massive badger stumbles out and it's bright berry eyes stared intently at you.
  5. Snowpaw tries to get its attention away from you but he was getting attacked now. You leap in front of him but the badger gave you a hard blow to the head and you fell back, hitting your head on a tree, and you blacked out. It felt like you were falling down, down down... But then you strain to open your eyes and you see a brown tabby face staring down at you, worriedly. It was Brackenpaw! He said that Snowpaw is injured by his paw but it is not serious. But you feel a terrible pain in your leg and you look down and see a twisted, swollen leg. You also feel a terrible headache and you realize there was dry blood where there was a bump. Brackenpaw gave you poppy seeds to sleep and then your eyelids got heavier and heavier by the minute and then sleepiness swept over you like a wave.
  6. You hear shrieks and screams of pain and there was blood and fur flying everywhere. You see yourself with your brother, Snowpaw, and Brackenpaw with starry cats and you realized there was a cat staring at you and it was a thick-furred gray tabby Tom and he whispered something and it sounded like... Ekqowjrjkeiwjejjej? You didn't know but then...
  7. Then...
  9. Did you like this?
  10. Last one!

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