team who are you on ncis

tony ziva abby who do you think you are ;D :D :P :D :D :;D yeah ncis come on try it it is fun to no who you are on a show never worry to no if its right it might be

tony ziva abby who do you think you are ;D :D :P :D :D :;D yeah ncis come on try it it is fun to no who you are on a show never worry to no if its right it might be got to try this tisk tisk people

Created by: ziva ann marie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. caf-pow would you drink it
  2. do you sleep around
  3. do you want to have kids
  4. do you fight people
  5. drink
  6. do you show how you feel
  7. would you hurt some one if your father told you to
  8. true love
  9. mother father when around kids do you have it
  10. rule # 12

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Quiz topic: Team who am I on ncis