Sorry, I was bored.

I was bored so yeah I am scared of clowns and love All Time Low. I am bored. Goodbye and shut up. :) oh and btw Justin Beaver sux!!!! And I like pie.

I was bored so yeah I am scared of clowns and love All Time Low. I am bored. Goodbye and shut up. :) I am awesomer than you because I am uber epicly awesome.

Created by: xXPutUpOrShutUpXx
  1. Some fat dude is being totally annoying, so you say-
  2. What scares you?
  3. Pick the best band.
  4. Would you rather?
  5. I like pie
  6. A little kid dropped his ice cream! What do you do?
  7. All of these people have the same initials. Who is better? (be honest!!!)
  8. That's my quiz.
  9. Bye
  10. I have a haiku inspiration! Five syllables here And now you get seven here And now five. Happy?

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