Resident Evil Your Love Story

OK READ THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!!! this quiz is based off the game/movie series Resident Evil!!! this one is based Resident Evil: Apocolypse!!!!! if you hate this series............i will send evil monkeys to attack you!!!!!!,

Your name is Sapphira La Rose Saber, you have a sister named Sanya Emily Ericka Saber. You are 18 years old and have you bday to day so be happy:) If you wanna find out what happends in Resident Evil Your Love Story.....READ THE QUIZ :) hope you enjoy... Love Kia Manson

Created by: kia manson
  1. You woke up to your phone going off. You opened your eyes enought to see the picture of your brown haired blue eyed best friend Jaylynn calling, you picked it up "Jaylynn it better be important." He laughed and said "Sapphira, you told me to wake you up today." You smiled and said "Thanks, Jaylynn see you in class." You got out of bed and took a shower you decided to dress up in...
  2. After you got dressed you walked into the kitchen where your roommate/sister was cooking. She smiled and yelled "Happy Birthday Sapphira!" You smiled and walked over to her and hugged her. "Thanks Sanya." "I cant believe you 18 Sapp." You smiled "Ya niether can I." You grabbed a cupcake from her and told her you had to leave. She handed you a box. You thanked her and opened it and saw a beautiful necklace. It was a golden locket. You opened it up to see a picture of you mom and dad. You smiled and hugged her. "Thanks, Sanya." You walked out the door and walked up to your black pickup truck.
  3. You ended up drive to Dukin' Donuts to grab coffee and to pick up your bestfriend Jaylynn. Jaylynn laughed at you as you tried drinking your coffee but missed your mouth. "Shut up Jaylynn." You said laughing at it to. Jaylynn suddenly said "Well birthday girl is in a good mood." "Hey, you woke me up at 5:30 so yes I am in a good mood." He just laughed at you, "Your the one who wanted to be up that early." You just ignored him and smiled. For 11 years Jaylynn has been your bestfriend even after both your parents died. His parents died around a year ago, but yours was more recent. It was still hard for you to think about but you stopped crying about it. Sanya was different everytime something brought them back she couldnt stop crying, you just thought it was her. You finally made it to school when you saw a black suv in the parking lot "Hey, Jaylynn whos Suv 3s that?" Jaylynn turned around and froze.
  4. You tried to shake him out of it when you saw a tall, muscular man with black hair and green eyes walking up to you, but something must have made him changed his mind cuz he walked passed you but held your stare. Jaylynn finally snapped out of it and looked at you, "Sapphira Im sorry Im just tired." He did a wierd smile, you knew he was lieing but you didnt question it. You finally went to class, 4 out of the eight you saw the black haired guy was there he never said a word to you but you found out his name was Damien Cross. Class finally ended and you went home. Jaylynn waved bye to you as he hoped into a blue camero. You got home and saw a note from Sanya "Sapp, im not going to home til morning, love you San." You went to take a shower, and sat down to do homework. You turn on tv which was on the news but you fell asleep.
  5. You woke up to banging on door, and seriens going off. You had noticed the new was falshing "Evacutation immeditely." you were freaked out when you heard Jaylynns voice "Sapphira let me in!" He was banging on the door you jumped up immeditely as he rushed passed you with Sanya. "Sanya!" You ran over to her and hugged her, "Sanya whats going on?" "Sapphira, we have to leave now. Grab only light items, food that wont go bad for awhile, clothes that have light and skin tight feautures and combat boots." You obeyed Sanya because she was 9 years older than you. "Sanya whats going on?" You asked as you began grabbing cans, and already cured meats, it was Jaylynn that said "Nothing with blood Sapphira." You just looked at him but you couldnt understand why. You did as they told you. "Jaylynn whats going on?" "Sapphira, we'll explain later right now we have to hurry." You didnt ask anymore questions until you had everything. Sanya finally said "Sapphira, our mom and dad created a bio weapon called the T virus, (hint why i called this series resident evil) ,It is a reanimation virus, meaning when your dead, you dont stay dead." You looked at her and Jaylynn whos head was hung. "Jaylynn, you knew?" "Sapphira Jaylynns father helped our parents created it. Now Sapphira, we have to leave." You agreed as you all ran downstairs but suddenly you stopped as you saw a woman with half her face missing, walking towards you.
  6. It only took a moment before the zombie began to run towards you, suddenly a man with gray hair and blue eyes had ran towards you and made you hit the floor as you saw Damien Cross use what looked like a katana and split the thing in half.
  7. You were helped up by the mysterious stranger. "Thanks." Was all you mubbeled. You looked up deep into his eyes and you saw worry and anger. He turned around to Sanya, "Why did you just stand there? She could have gotten killed Sanya!" You instantly shoved the guy "I dont know who you are and I dont care, I thank you for the help but dont you dare yell at my sister! and anyway how do you know her!" He stared at you and smiled "My name is Adrien Pierce and I know you sister because our parents worked together isnt that right Damien?" You mouth dropped open, you dediced not to give Adrien the satifaction. "We have to move and fast." You all noddedand began to move again. You heard a woman scream, you wanted to help her but Jaylynn and Sanya shook there heads. You nodded back, everything that happened was because of your parents. "Mom and dad wouldnt do that would they?" You thought. You ran into Damien, who had pushed you back farther. You had seen 3 dogs with flesh falling your eyes widen up. You turned around and saw 5 zombies walking/limping towards you.
  8. You were surronded. "Great." You thought "Not even on the third floor and were going to die." You saw Damien and Adrien fighting the dogs. Sanya and Jaylynn grab a sack of canned food and put it behind them as if it was a baseball. You had looked up in time to see blood dripping down from a mouth of the zombie that looked like Jasila from homeroom, something snapped as you saw your older sister and bestfriend trying to kill the damn things. You had started running towards the wall where you ran it and swung your leg, which lead to killing the thing. "Well I never did like you anyway." You had grabbed to crowbar that the Zombie had carried/ dragged. You ran towards the other ones as you saw Jaylynn kill two of them and Sanya killed one, you looked up and saw it was your ex boyfriend. You held that crowbar like a sword and ran. You heard the Crack! and looked up to see the ribs sticking through the back, you almost threw up as the thing turned. You went to grab the crossbar that had some how slipped from your hands. You went for a dive as the Zombie lunged for you, you turned just in time as the zombies head went for your neck.
  9. Yupp sorry its going to be a cliffhanger :)
  10. Yupp sorry its going to be a cliffhanger :)
  11. who do you like so far?
  12. part 2??? no effectt

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Quiz topic: Resident Evil my Love Story