Perfect breeder - which horse should you breed

heyya xx my quiz is al about my favourite horse although there are a few dodgy questions in their as my mind was having a lazy day but anyway i hope you enjoy it xx

Are you a genius do you have the brain powert to qualify for that prestigious title. Untill now you could only wonder now you will find out the truth about your ability

Created by: olivia davis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you fancy yourself??
  2. Favourite colour horse?
  3. Do you like riding fast or slow
  4. What animal do you think you are
  5. What do you think about this test
  6. If you had a horse what would you call it
  7. Do you have brothers and sisters
  8. How often do you ride
  9. Do u own a car
  10. Your favourite food

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Quiz topic: Perfect breeder - which horse should I breed