Naruto: Which country are you from

Have you ever wondered what hidden village from Naruto you are in? Well, with this you can determine what village you are a shinobi for based on your personailty.

Well take the quiz and find out where you live in the ever-growing world of Naruto. Also this is in countries not in specifc villages but you can look them up afterward

Created by: elliott
  1. You are walking with your friends and you see a man beaten and unconcious on the street, what do you do?
  2. You get in a fight and you get your opponent on the ground with a kunai at his neck, he begs that you do not kill him. What do you do?
  3. You see a burning building with two kids trapped inside, which kids do you save
  4. How do you fight?
  5. Your in a fight with an enemy ninja and you only have enough chakara left for one finisher move. What will you use?
  6. You see a theif what do you do?
  7. You are on a mission and your teamate gets captured. What will you do?
  8. There are three girls, one is beatuiful and hard to get. The other is average and easy to get. The last one is a dog and will fall for yo upon talking to her. Which one will you pursue?
  9. Which dog do you want?
  10. Kill, Leave, or chase

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Quiz topic: Naruto: Which country am I from