Medical Terminology

This is a quiz on medical terminology. Medical terminology can be very difficult to learn so I created this quiz to help out on learning how words are used

This test will see how well you do in medical terminology this is only the very beginning I will add more a little at a time keep practicing so you don't forget

Created by: Teresa
  1. -algia
  2. dys-
  3. -ectomy
  4. -megaly
  5. hyper-
  6. Bad, Difficult, Painful
  7. Excessive, Increased
  8. Enlargement
  9. Pain, Suffering
  10. Surgical Removal
  11. hypo-
  12. -itis
  13. -malacia
  14. -necrosis
  15. -osis
  16. -algia
  17. dys-
  18. -ectomy
  19. -megaly
  20. hyper-
  21. hypo-
  22. -itis
  23. -malacia
  24. -necrosis
  25. -osis

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