Lauren or Avery?

There are two types of crazies in the world. There are people like Lauren and people like Avery. Most people aren't even to the extent of crazy as they are but if you were which one are you most like?

Well, because I'm amazing and awesome I made a quiz so that you can find this out. So take this quiz to find out if you are more like Lauren or more like Avery.

Created by: reesespeaces
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You follow objects that float in the air.
  2. Choose a color
  3. You like the Gallagher Girls series.
  4. You laugh...
  5. Katniss belongs with...
  6. What are your chances of surviving the Hunger Games?
  7. Choose a weapon.
  8. I like to weave baskets in trees
  9. I drink 5 hour energies
  10. You like to get dirty
  11. Which faction do you belong in?
  12. If you had to jump off a building or be homeless for the rest of your life you would...
  13. You tend to scare Sam...
  14. Team...

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