I Dont Wanna Be That Girl Episode 1

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Hey! This is my new series! I really hope you guys like it! HELP NEEDED! IN THE COMMENTS, PLEASE POST ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE SERIES!!! THANKS!!!! ITS FIR A CONTEST!!!

Hey! This is my new series! I really hope you guys like it! HELP NEEDED! IN THE COMMENTS, PLEASE POST ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE SERIES!!! THANKS!!!! ITS FIR A CONTEST!!! :)

Created by: Bubbles1774
  1. " Mommy were home!" Little Juliet called. She has short dark brown hair and shiny dark brown eyes. Her twin, Miranda, has light brown hair and shiny light brown eyes. There both 8.They walked inside. " Mommy! Where are you?" Miranda called. Juliet ran into the kitchen. " Not here!" she called out. Miranda ran into the living room. " Not here!" The playroom. " Not here!" Their mothers room. " Not here!" Miranda began to cry. Juliet ran outside. " Mommy! Mommy!" she cried. There mothers car was there, but where was her mother? " We have to run away," said Juliet.
  2. " What?" Miranda said sniffling. " We have to run away," Juliet said. Her and Miranda went back into the house. They took out 5 suitcases. They packed food, cloths, and toys. They went back outside. Smart little Juliet used her key to look the door behind her. Miranda and Juliet began to walk down the road. Miranda wore a light blue dress and flats. Juliet wore a white dress and flats. They stopped at the dead in. In front of them stood a big woods. Miranda looked at Juliet and Juliet looked at Miranda. " We have to go in," they both said at the same time.
  3. They walked into the woods. When they had gotton to the very back of the woods, it was dark. Juliet had packed a tent. They put sleeping bags and pillows and all their stuff inside the tent. " Good night," Miranda whispered. " Good night," Juliet muttered.
  4. Light glared into the tent. Juliet rubbed her eyes. Crack! What was that noise? Juliet thought. Crack! She shook Miranda awake. " What is it?" Miranda muttered and yawned. " I heard a noise!" Juliet said. Crack! " I think its coming!" Crack! Crack! Crack! Juliet and Miranda ran outside. A 18 year old girl ran toword them.
  5. The girl ran toword them. " Are you okay?" she asked. Miranda had gone back into the tent, curled up into a ball, and began to cry. A tear rolled down Juliet's face. " No don't cry!" The girl said. " I'm Cathrine. You can call me Cat," she said. " What are you doing in these woods? By the way, I was trying to catch my dog," Cat said. A dog ran to her side. Juliet told her everything that had happened. ," come with me," Cat said. We picked up our stuff and followed her.
  6. That's all for now just skip the rest
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