how well do you know waterlover999?

this quiz is about how well you know about waterlover999 a.k.a. me. well im going to make another quiz "how well do you know me?" which is not the same thing.

"me" would be outside of gtq but "waterlover999" would be on the website. so its not the same. im trying to be a junior so please take my other quizzes.

Created by: waterlover999

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is my status when i made this quiz?
  2. how often am i on the forums?
  3. this one is easy. am i a boy or a girl?
  4. how many quizzes did i make before this one. (at this time)
  5. which one of these is NOT one of my quizzes?
  6. what was my first profile pic?
  7. what is my profile pic now
  8. how long was i a newbie?
  9. have you ever taken any of my other quizzes?
  10. have any of my quizzes been on the front page

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Quiz topic: How well do I know waterlover999?