How well do you know the lyrics of hit songs?

We all love hit songs but do we know the lyrics well enough? This quiz tests your knowledge of the lyrics of different hit songs of all ages. Have fun taking the quiz! :)

I did this quiz cause most lyrics quizzes nowadays deals with artistes I have never heard of before. So I thought, "why not do a lyrics quiz with artistes everyone knows?" and I came up with this. I hope you like it :)

Created by: Ellanannette Vega
  1. "Hey over there Please forgive me If am coming on too strong"
  2. "Everybody's searching for heros People need someone to look up to"
  3. "When I talk to my friends so quietly Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me"
  4. "Let my wild hair grow and my weed smoke"
  5. "So come light me up (So come light me up my baby) A little d-dangerous (A little dangerous my babe)"
  6. "Your talk is cheap You're not a man"
  7. "Am in love with you girl Cause you're on my mind You're the one I think about 'most everytime"
  8. "I was in my zone Before you came along Now am thinking maybe You should go"
  9. "You make it hard for me To see somebody else"
  10. "Outrageous, so contagious Make you crave it So retarded, top charted Ever since the day I started"
  11. "I won't tell you that I love you Kiss or hug you Cause am bluffing with my muffin"
  12. "Here's the situation I've been to every nation Nobody's ever made me feel The way that you do"
  13. "On that lonely night We said it wouldn't be love But we felt the rush Made us believe it was only us"
  14. "Last night I dreamt of San Pedro Just like i'd never gone I knew the song Young girl with eyes like..."
  15. "Hot and dangerous If you're one of us Then roll with us Cause we make the hipsters Fall in love"
  16. "I'm seeing the pain I'm seeing the pleasure Nobody but you Nobody but me Bodies together"
  17. "Peace to M-o-n-e-y I love my beaches, south beaches Surfboard in high tide"
  18. Rate this quiz!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the lyrics of hit songs?