How well do you know Niall Horan?

This quiz will ask you questions about Niall Horan of One Direction to see how well you know him and his experience in the band. It will determine whether you are a true Niall girl/guy!

Are you a true fan? find out with this quiz right now!! if you score well you can brag to your friends!! I wish you the best of luck and i hope you do great!

Created by: Caitlin McGinley
  1. How many siblings does Niall have?
  2. What is Niall's birthday?
  3. All of the boys in One Direction are British except Niall because he is...
  4. Niall's middle name is...
  5. How many tattoos does Niall have?
  6. Niall (naturally) has...
  7. What is one thing Niall had that none of the other lads did?
  8. What song did Niall sing for his XFactor audition?
  9. What time was Niall born?
  10. What hand does Niall write with?
  11. What hand does Niall write with?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Niall Horan?