How Well Do You Know Horse Breeds?

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There are many people who love horses but do they know the horse breeds? Take this quiz to find out if you have the smarties for horse breeds! Your gonna thank me!

Are YOU a genuis in horse breeds you think? Well think again! Taking this quiz determinds wether you have the smarties or NOT! So pay attention to what you say!

Created by: Animal Expert
  1. What horse breed is the fastest?
  2. What horse breed is so called as the most elegant?
  3. What horse breed is great in barrel racing?
  4. What horse breed is great at circus tricks?
  5. What horse breed is known for its wildness?
  6. What horse breed is formally used at steeplechasing?
  7. What horse breed is the tallest?
  8. What horse breed is the smallest?
  9. What Arabian kind is known as the front kind?
  10. What horse breed is known as the piebald one?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Horse Breeds?