How Rich Will You Become?

This quiz is about you and nobody els. When you answer a question it will get you closer and closer to finding out who you will be. This quiz is 99.9% acurate.

Are you good enough to be a millianare or are you going to get stuck selling stollen flowers off the street? This quiz will tell you how much money you will make by the time you want to retire?

Created by: anthony ames
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are you?
  2. Male or female
  3. Are you planning on doing a good job when you get one?
  4. When you get a job are you going to be there when you should be?
  5. What kind of job would you want the most?
  6. How long are you planning on working there?
  7. Are you going to be rude?
  8. Are you going to donate money to your buisness company and or sucsessfull lifestyle.
  9. How much freetime do you have a day at work now?
  10. Will you do what you are told?

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Quiz topic: How Rich will I Become?