How punk are you?

Dude.. you effin rockd my sox 2day.. now you can make it into the real world were there are crack and drugs waiting for your use... so what are you still doing at your comuter... go go go dude

dude get the eff away from me know before i give you 15 lashes then shoot you three times in the butt... but no i wouldnt do that.. just get out of my face... you suk

Created by: Tyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of music do you listen to?
  2. Do you wear facial makeup?
  3. What type of jewelry do you have?
  4. what type of clothes do you wear?
  5. Where do you hang out?
  6. what is your normal expression?
  7. How do you dance?
  8. what is your opinion about school?
  9. what is your best subject?
  10. what do you do on free time?

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Quiz topic: How punk am I?