How popular are you?

Do you think you're popular? What if you're not? This quiz may be able to help answer that question and more!

This is my first time making a quiz, so comment and let me know what you think! c:

Created by: Amz
  1. How many good friends would you say you have?
  2. A popular chick is throwing a party, are you invited?
  3. During lunch, you sit with...
  4. Your teacher announces there will be a new project soon and you get to work with a friend. What do you do?
  5. Do you chill with friends on the weekends?
  6. You got a Facebook?
  7. Something exciting happens to a family member. You...
  8. I can't think of anymore questions.
  9. What did you think of this quiz?
  10. Quiz is almost done! What do you think your result will be?

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?