How popular are you?

My quiz is on "Popular kids". Everyone isn't popular, but some kids are popular! You want to know about popular kids, well then take this quiz to find out!

Are YOU popular? Do you have a amount full of kids following you? Well then take this quiz to find out if you really are popular! Cause you never no if you are until you try!

Created by: Jenna
  1. How may friends do you have?
  2. Are you the follower, or do you get followed by?
  3. How many boys have crushes on you?(Or you think)
  4. What is your phone type?
  5. What do you do when your parents have a lame date?
  6. At school your locker is decorated what color type?
  7. Do you think your popular?
  8. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  9. Rate your average looks?
  10. THX for taking the test!

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?