How much of a wolf are you?

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There are a lot of regular wolves out in this world,but sadly they are getting hunted by humans,but luckily some people can turn into wolves,not many people are wolves that's why I ask you,do you want to find out how many?

If so,then please take this quiz,are you a wolf,then find out on this quiz.Though I warn you,this quiz is not 100% accurate,the only true way is to a blood test and if you were to transform,then you would know for sure.

Created by: Wolf Girl
  1. Do you have sharp pointed teeth?
  2. Do you have lots of hair all over your body?
  3. Can you run on 4 legs?
  4. Does your heart race when you see the moon at night?
  5. Do you love meat of all kinds raw?
  6. Does water run off of you easily?
  7. Are you strong or fast?
  8. Who is the wolf God?
  9. How much of a wolf do you FEEL is in you?

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Quiz topic: How much of a wolf am I?