How much of a Minecraft player are you

Good mine crafters= Cute Girlfriends, or Boys all over you!!! Lets see how you do on my creatively made at 6:30 p.m. maybe you'll love it or maybe you'll want to just bash my head in!

Are YOU a pro? Do you have the skills to parkour your way to the end of my minecraft quiz!!! Well find out here to see if your a noob or a pro!!! Thanks and Comment below!!!

Created by: QWERTYGaL
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much do you craft stone armor
  2. What is your skin type
  3. You just got diamond, but you could only craft one thing what would you craft
  4. You found Herobrine what would you do
  5. Your half way there!!! Whats your favorite animal in minecraft?
  6. What's the best armor
  7. Butter?
  8. Did you like my quiz? (No effect)
  9. Keep Calm and Mine on!!!
  10. BYE!!!

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Quiz topic: How much of a Minecraft player am I