how much of a aerianna are you?

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I know a girl named aerianna S. if you don't know her than that is okay, but are you like her? I must admit that she is not you average character in life, she is in a word unique. I used to be her schoolmate before she left. =)


Created by: unkownguy of O-O
(your link here more info)
  1. are you shy?
  2. do you like cute things?
  3. do your parents somtimes say that yo talk and kinda act like luna from harry potter?
  4. do you usually space out?
  5. what is your favorite color?
  6. what would you say your best feature is?
  7. are you popular?
  8. what do you think is the best thing about the world?
  9. are you scared of the dark?
  10. what is your worst fear?
  11. do you know aerianna?

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Quiz topic: How much of a aerianna am I?