How Much Evil Lies Within You?

Everyone has that little "Demon" within us just waiting to be used. But we all have different levels of evilness, some being pure evil, some too much of a saint and some are somewhere inbetween. So where do you stand?

Sorry I have nothing more to say so... Kabaaam... Everyone has that little "Demon" within us just waiting to be used. But we all have different levels of evilness, some being pure evil, some too much of a saint and some are somewhere inbetween. So where do you stand?

Created by: Kish

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Now remember to answer honestly. You are about to cross the street when you see an old lady walking in the opposite direction from you and her hands are just full of groceries you can see she is struggling to carry all of them. What are you likely to do?
  2. You hear one of your "good friends" saying negative things about you. What are you likely to do?
  3. Your friend was caught stealing and you were there the whole time but however the law thinks it was you who was stealing instead. What do you do?
  4. Congrats! You have won half a million dollars ($500 000) in the lottery. What are you going to do with the money?
  5. Oh Lord please don't kill me but... Favourite color?
  6. Weird question but what color eyes do you wish you had?
  7. Imagine you have a pet dog and it jumps on you and makes your clothes dirty and you were just leaving for a party. What are you likely to do?
  8. What words best describe your personality?
  9. And now the quiz is over, I hope you like it and please do look out for my next quiz, The Ultimate Vampire Test.
  10. And now for the results, thanks for taking the quiz you rock

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